Sunday, January 24, 2010

Missed Me?

Well, its been a while. And there aren't really any excuses; I haven't been that busy, and even though I didn't have wireless interent for a time, I still had access to a computer. Even if the 'n' & 's' & 'e' keys stuck sometimes so that my sentences would turn out something like, "wll, its bee awhil. thre aret rally any excuss" and it would make me sound like I hit my head pretty hard and couldn't remember how to spell, at all. Anyhoo, with a new year, I thought I'd get back into the swing of things... 20-somthing days later.... So, lets see.... The last time I believe I blogged, it was.... beginning of Dec., so, I suppose, some of you are wondering what I've been up to since then? Or, maybe all of you, I'm finding I'm horrid at keeping in contact with almost everyone. I mean, I have a stack of postcards/cards standing almost 60 high (thanks dad, for putting the living fear of GOD in me, prompting the mass-card-buying spree. Do I even know 60 people?) , and a huge list of would-be recipients calmly waiting beside. I think I'll truely celebrate 2010 in Febuary. Besides, who doesn't enjoy recieving "Merry New Years!" cards in bad english in the spring? ;)

Okay, so since the beginning of December, I went to school on Christmas, got school off for New Years, went to a Green Day concert and hung out in Bangkok for a week, had a birthday and was visited by a cousin I hadn't seen in awhile. Even between the two of us, we couldn't remember the last time we saw each other. And now I will briefly detail what each of these events entailed.

Christmas: The worst thing thats ever happened to me. Okay, not quite, I was being melodramatic, but it was pretty far up there. See, here they don't celebrate it, but they really like the idea of Christmas, so while I had to go to school on that day, it was mostly a day of "celebration". They performed a short skit of "Cinderella" and did the whole "Nativity-Day-of-Jesus's-Birth" etc. In English. Hee hee, it was kind of funny... Lots of students were like, "Do you understand?" and I just shook my head, "Nope." But I think the perfect example to sum up my day would be the endless questions of: "How do we say... is it 'Merry Christmas' or 'Happy Christmas'?" Enter my ninja sword where I slay them all. Just joking... but I did spend the better part of the day sulking amongst the "Explain what Christmas is, and Who Celebrates It" posterboards.

Umm, New Years was slightly more fun. I went to a party and met some fun people. And there were fireworks. And I had a four day weekend. Aces!

The Green Day concert was so awesome! Except for the moment when Billy Joe Armstrong told us that the last time they were in Bangkok was 1996... and I realized that they were OLD. Maybe a wee bit too old to still be wearing eyeliner and mooning the crowd. But it still rocked and I left the concert jazzed and remembering how much I used to love them. Overall, seeing a popular American band that I used to love, in Bangkok of all places is one of the best things thats ever happened to me...

(Yes, I uploaded this picture solely because I am vain... And it's also, like, the only picture I have of the week.)

On my Ancientness: If I didn't think I was too much older then my classmates before I turned 19 (gaaaaa), I definitely am now. They always tell me that if I cut my hair, I would look younger. I'm just like, woohoo, I would go from looking like your falang grandmother, to your adoptive mother. There's a difference of about 30 years there, but I'm still past the middle-age point. Keep them damn scissors away from me, I say!

Okay, so that just leaves Nathan's visit. Which was....hmm, which adjective do I use? Awful? Horrible? Terrible? Haha, just kidding, Nathan. It was fun. Not going to lie, a little weird at first, but it was mostly because I wasn't sure how to handle a visiter from America, let alone a family member I hadn't seen in awhile. But my host sister Apple took a break from work, and we went a traveled around for a few days. Two, to be exact. We visited a couple of really rad temples, ate a lot of food, including ants and live baby shrimp, went to the Elephant Village and saw them, went swimming, and I tried to set them up. Clearly, the apple (oh my puns...) doesn't fall far from them tree, as it was my parents main goal in life to set him up with all the 20somethings in a 100 mile radius of Washington State at one point. My efforts failed spectacularly, but it was worth a try...

Heh heh, I think this answers the question as to why my efforts in matchmaking failed...

Phnom Rung: Ancient Temple of Badassness

umm, I walk the walk, and I'm not sure why it's underlined now

There was a large group of German tourists walking by us at that moment. I can only imagine what they were thinking....

I thought we were going to die. Seriously. And this is what I would look like, right before a River Beast came and swallowed me whole. In fact, those aren't my hands...

Perfection in black&white? I think so... I mean, his finger is pointing right at my face, even if it's only to say, "check out THIS dumbass..."

So, that's it for the moment, but I would just like to thank Nathan for posting the pictures I made him take, in a place where I could take them, post them on my blog and make comments about them. Excellent. Now, I have a Korean TV show thats dubbed in Thai, but still has Korean writing popping up now and then, to get back to. No, I don't understand it. Yes, I have no idea why I'm watching it. Except, wait! They are digging up roots... and... singing to them.... BAHAHA NOW I KNOW WHY.
